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What are the most popular high school computer science courses?

What are the most popular high school computer science courses?

Most high schools offer a small selection of computer science courses depending on things like budgets, available equipment, individual teachers' skill sets, and their students' needs. Many teachers have fluency with one specific programming language, and that can limit the courses the school can offer.

Some of the most popular courses include:

  • Introduction to Computer Science: This course provides an overview of computer science fundamentals, including programming basics and problem-solving using algorithms. Even students with no intention of pursuing a STEM career can benefit significantly from learning these basics. This course is typically taught using a block programming language such as Scratch / Snap or a beginner-friendly language such as Python. 2Sigma School offers both options.

  • AP Computer Science Principles: This covers several practically useful concepts in computer science at more than an introductory level. Topics include problem-solving techniques, programming, data analysis, and cybersecurity. Students learn to think both analytically and creatively and how to apply computational thinking to real-world problems. Ideally, any student interested in science or a technical field can take this course. 2Sigma School offers this college-level course in Python.

  • AP Computer Science A: This is an advanced, college-level course that serves as an introduction to coding concepts and techniques used in practice, such as object-oriented programming, data structures, algorithms, and recursion. This course is primarily taught in Java, the most favored programming languages in the industry, to build enterprise-grade applications. 2Sigma School offers a highly project-based curriculum that students prefer over a text-book style curriculum.

  • Web Development: Another practically focused course, this covers the basics of how websites work and are built. Subjects studied typically include languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It teaches students how to create dynamic and interactive websites, with an introduction to server-side programming and databases.

  • Game Design and Development: This popular course comprises the basics of video game creation, including the principles of game mechanics, digital graphic and sound design, programming, and user experience design. Many of these topics can serve as stepping stones to a career in IT.

  • Robotics: This course introduces students to the principles of robotics, including sensors, motors, programming, and control systems. Students may be assigned practical projects that involve building and programming robots to perform specific tasks. Experience in this field is expected to be highly valued in the future as more industrial processes are automated.

  • Data Science and Analytics: As an introduction to this exciting and fast-growing field, this course teaches students how to collect, sanitize, analyze, and visualize data using tools like spreadsheets, statistics, and programming languages such as Python and R. Students learn to use mathematics and even machine learning algorithms to make predictions and draw insights from data. 2Sigma School offers three data science and machine learning courses ranging from introductory to advanced ones.

There is a rapidly increasing interest in expanding the number and quality of computer science courses offered in high schools. It's not hard to see why - technology is increasingly important in our society, not to mention the workplace. The demand for employees with computer science skills can only increase, even in traditionally non-technical occupations.

This has led to the development of computer science standards and curriculum frameworks that provide guidelines for what students should learn in various computer science courses.'s Computer Science Fundamentals and the College Board's AP Computer Science Principles are examples of such frameworks. These aim to provide a comprehensive and inclusive curriculum that introduces students to computer science concepts In an organized way.

In conclusion, the popularity of high school computer science courses continues to grow, and schools should offer a variety of courses that introduce students to the theory and practical applications of computer science. These benefits aren't restricted to better preparing students for college and work; they also help develop critical and computational thinking skills. These are undoubtedly part of a well-rounded education, even if the main focus is on subjects like math, science, and the humanities.

Schools also have to recognize the need to keep computer science programs up-to-date and relevant so that students are prepared for the challenges and opportunities of the future. New technologies are constantly emerging, and those who understand them will have a significant head start over those who don't.