Frequently asked questions ...

How is software development different from web development?

How is software development different from web development?

All web development is software development, but not all software development is concerned with the internet. In other words, web development is a specialized area within software development. It comprises everything about building and maintaining websites and other online resources.

Software development, by contrast, refers to the process of designing, coding, testing, and maintaining software applications, whether they utilize the internet or not. It can involve creating software for various platforms, including desktop, mobile, and web applications.

Web development refers exclusively to the development of websites and web-based applications. Web developers use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a website's front end (i.e., the user interface). Programming languages such as Ruby on Rails, PHP, and Python make up the back end (the machinery behind the scenes that makes everything work). A web developer's responsibilities may include designing and maintaining websites for functionality, performance, and appearance. They generally come into contact with areas most software developers don't need to know much about, including search engine optimization, interface, and graphic design.