Twelve Days of Coding in Winter

December 18 - 31

Advance your computer science over the winter break!

Take a credit-bearing, project-based course with a live teacher, taught online in small cohorts of 4-8 students, 2 hours a day, 3 days each week with flexible schedule designed around you.

Limited slots available. Reserve your spot today!

Credit Bearing

Credit Bearing
Earn high school credits
Earn 1/3 credit in just 2 wks and complete the full course during Spring.


Real world learning
Learn real-world programming skills with expert teachers.


Like-minded peers
Make lasting connections when you learn in a small cohort.

Flexible Schedule

During signup, you can indicate your availability during December 18 - 31.
Discuss options with the admissions advisor to finish the full course during spring (evenings and weekends).

      Select a course
Tuition prices are listed for the full 2 week course. Select a course tile to see the weekly schedule below.
Introduction to Data Science
Introduction to Data Science
  9-12 graders
  Algebra I
Learn to think like a data scientist and explore data through active exploration. No prior programming experience is necessary.
Introduction to Cybersecurity
Introduction to Cybersecurity
  10-12 graders
  Algebra I
Everything from simple facts to the most valuable financial assets are just bits in today's world. Learn how to secure your data.
Advanced Data Science (Honors)
Advanced Data Science
  11-12 graders
Analyze large datasets in Python using industry standard tools and get ready to learn AI and ML with this college-level course.
AP Computer Science Principles
AP® Computer Science Principles
  9-12 graders
  Algebra I
Broaden your knowledge of how computers and the Internet work. An excellent survey course meant for students in all majors.
Introduction to Computer Science
Introduction to Computer Science
  8-12 graders
Start coding in Python and create compelling games, art, and solve logical puzzles. No prior programming experience is necessary.
AP Computer Science A
AP® Computer Science A
  10-12 graders
  Algebra II
Write fluent Java programs at the college-level through engaging projects and get ready for a computer science related career.
Not sure which course is right for you?

Schedule a call to speak to experts or get customized advice via email.

      View syllabus
Winter schedule covers the first 2 weeks. Let us know during enrollment to continue with the full course.
Advanced Data Science

Week 1

Data Tables
Begin by learning about data and visualization, causality and experiments, and understand why data science. Start with Jupyter notebook, a tool used by data science professionals, and essential packages in Python to begin your exploration.

Week 2

Data Types
Develop your data science toolbox with hands-on programming with Python libraries such as numpy, matplotlib, and pandas. With mastery over data types, sequences, and tables, you will be equipped to go beyond spreadsheets and process large datasets.

Week 3

Apply custom functions to transform large datasets and visualize your results by building graphs and plots. Learn about randomness in real-life data, create simulations, reason with probabilities, and iterate over data with conditional logic.

Week 4 1 semester credit

A/B Test
Create data samples, learn about empirical distributions, and calculate statistical measures of large data such as center and spread. Compare samples, create and run A/B tests, and validate hypothesis to make decisions under uncertainty.

Week 5

Characterize estimations using confidence intervals, make and test predictions, and build a regression model. Learn how machine learning works and build a simple model using k-means clustering to find patterns in data and draw inferences.

Week 6 full year credit

Capstone Projects
Complete one or more capstone projects in the area of health, world events, or entertainment. Use your skills to build a classifier, look at cause and effect across real world data sets, or determine root causes underlying a real world phenomenon.
Advanced Computer Science (Python)

Week 1

Data Types
Master the fundamental building blocks of Python programming language, trace code in a debugger, manage input and output, compute expressions, concatenate strings, and learn about different data types, operators, variables, and function calls.

Week 2

Control Flow
Data Structures
Learn about controling application flow based on results of expression evaluation and represent complex data with data structures such as Lists, Dictionaries, Tuples, and Sets. Apply advanced operations such as list comprehension to problems.

Week 3

Organize program logic using functions. Learn about different parameter types and how information flows in and out of functions. Use Python's built-in exception hierarchy to handle errors and define your own exceptions to control program flow.

Week 4 1 semester credit

Learn about object oriented programming - encapsulating behavior and state together through class definitions. Define methods, declare and initialize variables, and simplify your programs. Use powerful concepts like inheritance and polymorphism.

Week 5

Learn a powerful way to solve problems by having a function call itself. Learn about call stack, how to avoid a stack overflow, and debug recursive calls. Finally use earlier lessons in data structures and classes to build powerful animations.

Week 6 full year credit

Package your code into modules, use connection libraries to connect with database across the network and deploy your code into the cloud. Build one or more capstone projects in an area that is aligned with your interest to show-off your learning.
AP® Computer Science A

Week 1

Data Types
Learn the fundamentals of Java by manipulating numbers, Strings and diving into Object-Oriented programming through classes. You will create a dot racing program that leverages the Math class and you will use your first objects in creative ways.

Week 2

Doing things in order, making decisions, and doing the same process multiple times can be represented in code through control structures, conditionals, and loops. You will learn to think algorithmically by creating an iterative art generator.

Week 3

The ability to accurately model real-world entities in program is a large part of what makes computer science so powerful. You will learn how to identify appropriate behaviors and attributes of real-world entities and organize them into classes.

Week 4 1 semester credit

Data Structures
The ability to represent collections of related data in a single variable rather than multiple variables is a critical skill in CS. You will learn the standard algorithms to use with data structures and how they apply to arrays and ArrayLists.

Week 5

One of the strongest advantages of Java is the ability to categorize classes into hierarchies through inheritance. You will learn how to recognize common attributes and behaviors that can be used in a superclass and create a class hierarchy.

Week 6 full year credit

Sometimes a problem can be solved by solving smaller or simpler versions of the same problem rather than attempting an iterative solution. You will learn how to write and analyze recurisive methods, then build a capstone program to wrap the course.
AP® Computer Science Principles

Week 1

Digital Information
Learn how computers store complex information using binary and how information is transferred on the Internet. Create a report as the acting CTO of a company in the industry of your choice that analyzes use of digital technology for that industry.

Week 2

Learn fundamental coding techniques in Python through use of graphical libraries for visual feedback. Create your first interactive animation through mouse events, modify properties of shape variables, and control program flow using if-elif-else.

Week 3

Data Structures
Learn to do repetitive tasks using for and while loops. Learn about data structures and process complex data set such as lists. Create a 2D board game or an side-scrolling video game using advanced programming constructs as a capstone project.

Week 4 1 semester credit

Algorithms are the underpinning of all computer programs. Design and analyze algorithms to understand how they work and why some are better than others. Solve the Traveling Salesman problem and create your own sorting algorithm.

Week 5

Visualize datasets from a wide variety of topics, hunt for patterns and learn more about the world around you. Bring your own dataset and use data visualization tools to spot trends and gain insights. What is the story that the data is telling you?

Week 6 full year credit

Research and debate current events at the intersection of data, public policy, law, ethics, and societal impact. Complete a detailed analysis of the cybersecurity threats to the company of your choice and create solutions to mitigate these risks.
Introduction to Cybersecurity

Week 1

You will build a foundation for cybersecurity by exploring confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA Triad). This includes defining complex systems, threats, vulnerabilities, and adversity. You will write a threat assessment as acting CTO.

Week 2

Ubiquitous Connectivity
The best way to understand the challenges of a connected world is to build our understanding from the ground up. You will analyze hardware, software, and networks that have created an endlessly connected world by working with virtual machines.

Week 3

Data Security
Data is all around us. Keeping it secure and private is essential for individuals, groups, and governments. You will create a data workflow, identify vulnerabilities in each step of the process, and secure them through encryption and security tools.

Week 4 1 semester credit

System Security
Hardware and software work together to achieve objectives, and system disruptions occur through vulnerabilities. You will analyze network diagrams and hardware implementations for software systems and map vulnerabilities.

Week 5

Adversarial Thinking
We can learn how to protect critical assets by thinking like a cyber enemy. You will practice channeling opposing forces, in terms of intentions, capabilities, and actions, employing these techniques to analyze threats, vulnerabilities, and attacks.

Week 6 full year credit

Understanding the relationship between the probability a harm will occur and the amount of damage done if it occurs is key to taking the right action. You will analyze the historical tech landscape and predict how it will change in the next decade.
Data Structures and Algorithms

Week 1

Data Structure
Learn how data structures can help organize data and write efficient code. Understand relationship to algorithms and learn how to analyze performance of algorithms, including time and space complexity, asymptotic analysis, and the big O notation.

Week 2

Learn how to solve problem in terms of a simpler version of itself - an unintuitive approach known as recursion. Debug stack overflow and understand call stacks. Learn about search and sort algorithms, including their space and time complexity.

Week 3

Linked List
Use algorithms to build and manipulate node based data structures such as linked lists and learn how they compare to arrays. Build abstract data structures like stacks and queues and learn about last-in-first-out and first-in-first-out operations.

Week 4 1 semester credit

Binary Trees
Learn how to represent exponentially growing data using trees. Arrange data for efficient lookup operations using data structures such as binary trees. Learn about logarithmic time complexity and breadth-first and depth-first traversal of trees.

Week 5

Priority Queues
Learn about data structures that form the cornerstone of advanced optimization use cases. In addition to basic properties and operations of graphs, priority queues, and heaps, and maps, learn some key algorithms are enabled by these data structures.

Week 6 full year credit

Put your data structures and algorithms knowledge into action. Identify a problem area of interest that can be solved efficiently using data structures and algorithms covered in the course. Build a large scale programming project(s) from scratch.
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Week 1

AI is transforming how we live, work, and play. We will define AI, how it is created, its uses, and its social and ethical impact on society. Students will depend their understanding by creating interactive games through various AI algorithms.

Week 2

Humans reason based on existing knowledge and draw conclusions. Achieving this behavior with computation is a key goal of AI. Students will explore the algorithms and techniques to mimic knowledge and will create an agent to play a more complex game.

Week 3

Markov Models
We can only obtain partial knowledge of the world, leaving space for uncertainty. How we manage uncertainty from limited data often determines the quality of our AI. Students will learn about methods and tools to optimize AI and manage uncertainty.

Week 4 1 semester credit

There are often multiple options and AI methods to solve a problem. Optimization, or choosing the best option, ensures we can leverage our resources. Students will learn to chose the optimal search algorithm to solve a wide range of problems.

Week 5

Machine Learning
Neural Networks
Machine learning (ML) gives the computer access to information and let the computer determine patterns so it can perform the task on its own. Students will explore ML algorithms like supervised learning, reinforcement learning, and neural networks.

Week 6 full year credit

Natural Language Processing
One of the toughest goals for AI is to understand and generate human language as it is unstructured and requires interpretation. Students will use the concepts they have learned with their semantics knowledge to tackle this difficult problem.
Introduction to Computer Science

Week 1

Get an introduction to the basics of Python programming through graphical libraries for visual feedback. Draw components on a canvas, add motion through mouse events and modify properties of shape variables. Draw a creative art as a capstone project.

Week 2

Learn how to control the program logic with if-elif-else statements and add actions using keyboard events. Use abstractions and modify shape objects using methods. Create a detailed animation that changes based on user input as a capstone project.

Week 3

Implement motion through step events and vector variables. Learn about scope of variables and code structure to simplify complex programs. Use for-loops to create animations that update without an input and responds to user actions as a capstone.

Week 4 1 semester credit

Data Types
Explore data types and math functions, examine operators and create geometric patterns. Manipulate text with Strings. Develop programs with random motion. Create interactive games that leverages user input, randomization, loops, and conditionals.

Week 5

Use exception handling to ensure that your program can handle unexpected situations. Use while loops to iterate until a condition is met. Create a robust program that can handle a wide range of interactions and handle exceptions as a capstone project.

Week 6 full year credit

2D Games
Learn about data structures, use lists to treat a data set as one object. Learn iterating through lists and create programs with patterned repetition. Create a 2D boardgame or an animation that leverages data structures as a capstone project.
Introduction to Data Science

Week 1

The exploration of data starts with asking interesting questions. You will begin by analyzing the data in your daily life, understand variations like univariate, bivariate, and multivariate, and explore data distributions. What story does the data tell?

Week 2

Model data using spreadsheets and understand basic measures of center and spread and learn about sampling. Explore visualizations such as scatter plots, best-fit lines, and understand the difference between causality vs spurious correlation.

Week 3

Learn to transform data using tools such as Edu-Blocks and Python in a Jupyter notebook with basic programming. Collect and analyze experimental data and learn to simulate a basic probabilty model to learn about making real-life decisions from data.

Week 4 1 semester credit

Learn how concepts from linear algebra, such as vectors, are used to organize data into multi-dimensional space and gain a new understanding of data similarity. Plot vectors in one, two, and three dimensional space and learn about clustering data.

Week 5

Learn about bias in data and build a prioritization model to rank data. Use spreadsheets and data APIs to run sensitivity analysis, make predictive models, and build your own machine learning model using k-means clustering. What story can you tell?

Week 6 full year credit

You will work through the full data science cycle (Ask, Prepare, Process, Analyze, Share, Act) to answer a question that will positively influence you and your community. You will take action on the insights that you uncover through data analysis.
Introduction to Generative AI

Week 1

Review Python basics and data structures in Google Colab. Apply Language Learning Models (LLMs) like GPT. Distinguish between Basic and Instruction-Tuned LLMs, and design effective prompts. Extract information, refine descriptions, and create content within constraints.

Week 2

Summarize product reviews and develop apps like personalized news summaries and movie recommendations. Learn sentiment and entity extraction, explore language translation, and generate email responses, adeptly transforming language, tone, and formats.

Week 3

App Basics
Build chatbots as web-based applications with GUIs for interactive, real-world scenarios. Learn about tokenization, explore the conversion of text to tokens and implement strategies to regulate output and optimize interactions in extended conversations.

Week 4 1 semester credit

Generate GPT embeddings, visualize in reduced dimensional spaces using t-SNE, use K-means clustering, and visualize the clusters. Utilize GPT for summarizing clusters and compare multiple strategies for summarizing 10K tweets and similar large datasets.

Week 5

App Dev
Stable Diffusion
Learn prompt-based image generation using DALL-E and Stable Diffusion. Gain insights into stable diffusion mechanisms. Develop strategies for managing model errors and overload handling, and utilizing LangChain for comprehensive application development.

Week 6 full year credit

Build a capstone project focusing on application development using LangChain and LLMs. Learn about fine-tuning of LLMs, understand its impact on model performance, and learn the differences and applications compared to prompt engineering alone.
      Reserve your spot for free
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Duration: Not selected Select   
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