Transform your Snap! classroom with simple student and teacher workflows for assignment management, rubrics based grading, and live reporting so you can focus on teaching


Enable Differentiation

A live view shows every student's coding activity across assignments, allowing differentiation of pace and content in your classroom.


Skip Sharing Links

A single click securely assigns each student a unique copy of your coding assignment with instructions, starter code, and grading rubric.


Effortless Grading

Grading rubric overlay on Snap! IDE makes uniform
grading a breeze — instantly transferring grades to
your LMS.


Simplify Your Snap ! Classroom Workflow

Assign and Review,
Activities with One Click

Snap! Classroom maintains your projects with instructions, starter code, grading rubric, and resources — all in one place so you can assign them with a single click and publish to a linked Google Classroom. Students' copy is automatically created and readily accessible to both students and teachers.


Simplify Student Workspace

Students see instructions and extra resources as an overlay on Snap! IDE and stay on a single browser tab lowering their cognitive load and increasing focus even on small screens and tablets.


Rubrics for Transparent Grading

Create and share a grading rubric with students to set clear expectations and speed up your grading process. Grade in Snap! IDE and see it appear automatically in the linked Google Classroom.

code history

Maintain Code History

Snap! Classroom autosaves student's code every 30 seconds and presents a visual timeline that you can watch like a movie to see student’s code development. Teachers can restore any snapshot with a single click.


Single Sign-On and LMS Integration

Snap! Classroom supports single sign-on with most common OAuth2 providers such as Google, Microsoft, and Clever. With integrated rostering with LMS such as Google Classroom, students are just a click away from their Snap! Class.

lms Integration

your demo today!



Your questions. Our answers.

Snap! Classroom is a lightweight LMS platform built around Snap! IDE just for teaching Snap! It adds simplified workflows for teachers and students and addresses common pain points most teachers and students face, such as sharing assignments with students with a single click, automatically cloning the assignment for each student and providing teachers a link to student's assignment, reducing the number of brower tabs students have to open for viewing instructions and downloading custom assets, rubric based grading, and much more.

We are working on making it easy for teachers to sign up for a Snap! Classroom account automatically. In the meantime, we offer a guided sign-up to ensure a smooth onboarding experience. If you are interested, please sign up for a Demo. At the end of the demo, we will set you up with an account so you are ready to run your class on Snap! Classroom.

Teachers can connect each section within Snap! Classroom with their Google Classroom and import students and co-teachers from Google Classroom with a single click. They can publish assignments to Google Classroom with a single click, and when they grade student assignments within Snap! using our simplified rubric-based grading screen that appears as an overlay on student's work within Snap! IDE, the grades are automatically sync'ed with Google Classroom.

Yes, one of the most helpful features of Snap! Classroom is the ability for teachers to get instant access to every student's assignments automatically, without requiring students to share a link via Forms or Spreadsheets. Student work is automatically saved every few seconds and teachers can see their latest work anytime. Since Snap! IDE is does not natively support collaborative editing, teachers have to refresh the IDE to load students' latest changes, but in Snap! Classroom, they can see the timestamps for any given student last work on any assignment as well as when they last reviewed it. This makes it extremely easy for teachers to know if a student did further work after the teacher last reviewed it.

Yes, Snap! Classroom comes with a number of assignments to support a full year introductory course! We are also working on providing assignments to support the full AP CSP course based on the Beauty and Joy of Computing.

Snap! Classroom allows teachers to create their own assignments and projects, including instructions, grading rubrics, starter-code, and sample solutions and use it in their classroom.

Snap! Classroom can be used standalone as a lightweight LMS. It provides a gradebook and the full workflow for managing assignments and tracking student progress. It does work with Google Classroom for roster import, publishing assignments, and grades sync. We will support LTI v1.3 integration with other learning management systems such as Canvas, Schoology, Moodle, and more in the near future.

Snap! Classroom is free for the 2024-25 school year. Please contact us for a free trial for a quarter and a quote for your school or district.

Snap! Classroom is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Snap! Team.